Weather station in Rumia

Project aim

A new professional weather station was installed in Rumia. Its function is to monitor and register weather phenomena. Following the requirement of the Client being the Rumia Town Hall,  the station was located on the roof of the town hall building at Sobieskiego 7 street.


Project description

The main aim during the development of the weather station was to obtain valid and reliable data on the amount and the intensity of precipitation and differentiating between the types of precipitation following SYNOP code. THat is why a laser disdrometer was installed, which can measure precipitation drops in 0.001 mm resolution. Additionally, the weather station was equipped with a multiparameter sensor to take readings of parameters such as wind speed and wind direction, temperature and air humidity, atmospheric pressure and insolation. It allows to determine many other meteorological values such as the average wind speed, the force and direction of gusts of wind, wind chill, dew point, atmospheric pressure on the sea level etc. This data can be viewed by all previously authorised users logged into an internet application through a www browser.


Solutions applied

The equipment installed in the weather station came from German OTT Hydromet company – one of the world’s leaders in such equipment manufacturing. These were OTT MetSystem – a complex and ready-to-be-installed solution being the core of the weather station with a OTT NetDL 1000 data logger, OTT Parsivel2 laser disdrometer – a modern, laser device for optical measurement of precipitation, Lufft WS 601 multiparameter sensor and all necessary electric and mechanic accessories.

The test run of the weather station took place on Tuesday 5 July 2016.
